"Well Miss Parker, I'm very impressed. You seem to be fully qualified to take on this job." Mr. Whitacre said, leaning back in his chair. My hands rested on my knees, balled up tightly. Thank God I wore a black shirt to this interview, or he could see I'm sweating bullets right now. I thought.
"Thank you Mr. Whitacre." I said with a smile.
"I'll have Diane put you in the system and email you a schedule. You'll be able to start Monday, correct?" Mr. Whitacre asked, obviously trying to seem very nonchalant about the fact that he just offered me a job.
"Yes! Thank you so much Mr. Whitacre!" I squeaked, excitement and relief flooding me.
"No, thank you. I'm sure you're going to be quite busy here in the coming months, what with hockey season starting and all." Mr. Whitacre smiled, standing up. I stood as well and followed him out the door of his office.
"Hockey season?" I asked in surprise.
"Yes. Most of the articles and shorts you had in your portfolio were excellent hockey reports, exactly the kind of thing we need here. Pittsburgh has a spectacular fan base and they want reporters who are going to do their team justice. It seems to me like you're the girl for the job. Completely unbiased reporting, might I add, on that Flyers Devils game." Mr. Whitacre beamed, walking towards the elevators with me.
"Thank you very much sir. I won't let you down!" I beamed, shaking his hand quickly.
"I know you won't Miss Parker." He said before turning on his heel and walking back towards his office.
"So I take it you got the job?" I heard Sidney ask. I turned and saw him leaning casually against the wall where the elevators were located, his hands tucked into the pockets of the black Reebok hoodie he was wearing.
"I'm sure you had something to do with that." I smiled, pressing the down button in between the two elevators.
"Hey, all I said is that you ran into me and that's why you were late." Sidney shrugged.
"Thanks for that, by the way. I don't think it would've looked too good if I didn't have a good excuse for being late." I laughed. He nodded.
"So what sport are you interested in anyway? I mean, Gary said you were here for that open reporting position in the sports department." Sidney asked, standing up as the elevator let out a ding and opened.
"Hockey." I said simply, slipping into the elevator.
"And you didn't even recognize me?" Sidney asked, offense written all over his face.
"If you didn't notice I was rushing to get here, and I was freaking out. I don't think I was in the right state of mind at the moment to recognize anyone." I said, pressing the L button. The doors of the elevator slid shut and Sidney leaned against the wall again.
"Alright, I'll give you that much. I never did catch your name by the way." He said coolly, hazel eyes staring up at the round numbered circles at the top of the elevator.
"You never asked until now, but I'm Alice." I said.
"That's a nice name, Alice. I like it." Sidney said simply. I raised an eyebrow. He seemed to be rather zoned out, but he snapped back to attention as the elevator let out another ding. The doors slid open and I stepped out into the lobby of the busy newspaper building.
"Thanks Sidney." I said with a smile.
"See you around then Alice." Sidney said, smiling gently as he walked out of the building. I stared at his back, dumbfounded for a moment before walking out of the building with a smile of my own plastered to my face.
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